New Bird - BDX240

Nov 3 2015

I have updated the hangar already, but I should probably be a little more elaborate about my newest addition to the fleet. I’ve been flying my Sony AZ1 and Mobius simply because I was afraid to kill my Gopros. I insured my first one against damage, but then landed it with my Phantom at the bottom of the city dam, so decided not to “waste money” with the replacements. I really only flew it in a gimbal on my Xu Gong v2. I have yet to actually write about the cameras, but suffice to say the gopro just blows everythig else with the sharpness. So I really wanted to fly the gopro. Thus the DBX240.

The BDX240 is a unique frame that’s built around housing a gopro very safely. A high quality 3mm frame has a tilted plate that holds both the gopro and your boardcam. The plates fit together perfectly and the kit has a superb machining feel to it.

My build is a little heavy. The heaviest setup with 1.4Ah 4S and the Gopro Hero3+ comes at 610g. That might sound a lot for a 5” rig. I’m running 5045 bullnose props and that gives plenty of punch even on 3S. With Xiaomi Yi and 1.3Ah 3S it’s at 567g. I am trying to up my game in proximity acro, so I’m slowly increasing the rates and do more backflips than usual. Plenty of training to be had with this baby.

One more thing worth mentioning is that I made an exception to my rule to never go back to anything by KISS and Cobra or Tiger motors. Roman Pospíšil recommended I take a look at the RCX 2205s and so I did. I also had about 8 of the dreaded SN20A that made two of my tmotors go poof. I wasn’t afraid to lose a $9 motor and of course it all went fine. I guess they only eat expensive motors.

Few things I want to fix before I call it done. Just like on my Blackout, just having a capacitor to clean up the video feed doesn’t quite cut it. If the lighting conditions are difficult, the horizontal lines make it a challenge to see. On my SWH250s I run a great PDB that includes an LC filter. But I ran out of them. I ordered some small LC filters, so hopefully I’ll have a super clean video out of this one as well.